Matching Results:

Upper Body Hitting Mechanics by Turtle Thomas (DVD)

Upper Body Hitting Mechanics by Turtle Thomas (DVD)$29.95

Focuses on the mechanics that allows the hitter to visually track the ball close to the bat and take the barrel of the bat to the ball. Four major points are highlighted in this DVD along with numerous drills depicting each point. These points include (1) the visual tracking of the ball, (2) trigger of … [View Details]

Lower Body Hitting Mechanics by Turtle Thomas (DVD)

Lower Body Hitting Mechanics by Turtle Thomas (DVD)$29.95

Do you want your hitters to get every ounce of power out of their lowe body? This DVD teaches hitters how to use their body weight, the power from the ground, and strength from muscles of the lower body to hit for power. Four major points are highlighted. These include (1) a short quick soft … [View Details]

FUNdamentals of Defensive Skills by Position video (QuickStream – instant delivery)

FUNdamentals of Defensive Skills by Position video (QuickStream – instant delivery)$12.50

The perfect video to learn how to execute and teach every play at every position on the field Five basic defensive baseball drills Executing infield & outfield plays Starting and turning double plays Cut-off and relays Catcher & Pitcher defense skills 45 minutes The only series approved by Little League Baseball Inc., PONY Baseball, Dixie … [View Details]