Matching Results:

Long Distance Runaround

Long Distance Runaround

If you want to help your pitchers throw faster, stay healthier, and have less soreness, you should not let them run long distances. That’s correct, no poles, no long distance running of any length at all. The reaction I usually get to this is indignation from coaches, perplexed stares from parents, and cheering from ballplayers. … [View Details]

The Sports Gene (book) – by David Epstein

The Sports Gene (book) – by David Epstein$21.95

Now a New York Times Bestseller! Now almost 20% off to Tips From The Coach subscribers. In high school, I wondered whether the Jamaican Americans who made our track team so successful might carry some special speed gene from their tiny island. In college, I ran against Kenyans, and wondered whether endurance genes might have … [View Details]

Fall Baseball – Yes or No, and Why

Fall Baseball – Yes or No, and Why

By now, you’ve decide whether your son should play baseball this fall. But what were your reasons? Fall baseball games are typically less intense, more for fun and far less for competition. Fall leagues rarely have playoffs. It’s a great, low pressure time to develop a talent and try it in a game situation. That … [View Details]